My focus for GROWTH in our Education System and Outcomes for our Students:

Increase Learning Opportunities and Communication
Through the Clarity Model and the Learner Focus System our District is building in innovative ways. As a trustee, I will support them in their efforts and encourage them to identify areas where there are gaps or additional possibilities for growth. As a team player, I know how to work within the system without holding up the growth opportunities as I participate in this process. I have learned a great deal about the direction our District is headed in and want to identify how to further help ALL students to thrive in their educational journey, no matter where they fall within the education spectrum or their socioeconomic status . As an active participant in our District, I have been able to identify areas of concern and have learned the process to communicate those concerns through the appropriate channels. I recognize that change is a gradual process and I show appreciation for efforts made in our District and schools. As a trustee, I will effectively communicate with members of our community as they bring these areas of concern to me or the board. I will help them learn the appropriate ways to address their needs in the District. As a successful and assertive communicator, I will add to the efforts to promote effective communication from the District. Adding my talents to the board's and joining an environment where feedback is received and heard as an opportunity to influence the process.

Mental Health
Our students are facing unique challenges that previous generations have not faced. The decline in mental health is evidence of the support and education they need to prevent and combat the realities we are seeing. As a mental health professional, I will continue to support our District as they continue to offer services and partner with our community. As a trustee, I will participate in the conversation and add to the effort. I am passionate about the prevention work that we need to be doing in our schools and, most importantly, in our homes. I will advocate for parents to be a part of the solution and for relationships to bring understanding and change. Last year, when crisis hit our community, I offered to teach anxiety classes in any capacity in our District and began to teach free classes for the community. I will bring my experience, knowledge, and background to the conversation as policies and procedures are created within the board.
Students Graduate with Vital Character Skills

Character skills such as discipline, determination, being prosocial, and proactive have been shown to increase student success in college, career, and citizenship. Through the development of the graduate profile in our District, which is aimed at helping every student be a successful and flourishing member or their community, I will advocate for these skills to be an important focus in our education system. As students learn these skills they will be prepared to contribute and influence in significant ways. As adults supporting them, we can model these skills and help them identify how they can practice them within the school, the home, and the community environment. I have experience implementing a program focused on similar skills when I worked in residential treatment with at-risk youth. As the District develops the graduate profile in the coming year, I can offer ideas, expertise, and experience relating to what worked with the teens who were learning new ways to incorporate these types of skills in their lives and live productively in society. In addition to offering the best academic opportunities to students, I would like to continue encouraging our District to offer the best interpersonal opportunities to our students. I am excited about the direction the graduate profile has the potential to guide our Students in.

Bolster Early Education
Early Education has such a significant impact on outcomes. Supporting teachers and students in this crucial time can impact them for the rest of their lives. I am passionate about early literacy and writing skills, and know that is a important focus in our District. I will support resources being directed to build this area of need. Our community and families play such a critical central role in educational outcomes. Students need their parents and home life connected into what they are experiencing and learning at school. As a trustee, I will advocate and call on all parents in our community to link into and participate in the education system and their child's learning no matter the age. In the last two years, I noticed some teachers who might appreciate help teaching art. After accepting my offer, I took the initiative to plan, prepare, and teach art in the classrooms. Through my experience as a therapist and doing art with my clients, it translated over as I was able to help all students in the class create their art and appreciate the process. Participation in the education process as a parent and even as a community member can come in various ways. You as a parent or stakeholder can make a difference!