Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you want to be on the school board?

What is your stance on book banning?

How will you see that the needs of transgender students are met?

Why did the Liberty Dogs endorse you in 2022?

Do you oppose sex ed in the Boise school district?

I support the District’s policy in place to have books that are brought into question to be reviewed by the committee in place. This is not an issue trustees have needed to manage in our District.

I agree with the District’s current policy in place that sexual education should be taught beginning in 5th grade through the health curriculum and support the opt out option that is offered to parents who do not want their student to participate. All of my children have participated.

Do you believe Private Schools should be funded with taxpayer dollars?

To be clear, this is a legislative issue. It goes beyond the role of a trustee. My personal concern about pulling funding from public schools is that we operate in a community model and tax dollars fund students' needs. Assigning a set amount per student is not acknowledging those students who require additional resources or what it takes to successfully provide well rounded opportunities for all students. Ultimately, it is the disenfranchised students that are not cared for if we pull from the community model. Every child in this country deserves access to a quality education. I do not support funding private schools with taxpayer dollars. I support public schools and that is why my children remain in them.

I believe that all students in our District, including transgender students, deserve to be treated with kindness, respect, and dignity as the District values dictate. Our District and school administrators implement support plans to help students as they work to meet their individual needs. They do this while being aware and sensitive to the needs of other students. I support them in their efforts.

How will you increase authentic and transparent communication?

As a non-partisan trustee I am working to represent our entire community and ask our administration for community and parent involvement on concerns that are widespread and public facing. Authentic communication allows for an opportunity in the process to be educated and heard before decisions are made.

I have never had any association or connection in ANY WAY with the liberty dogs. I do not support being hateful, divisive, and disrespectful to other people. I have rejected this endorsement on multiple fronts and told the media in 2022 before it was made public that I had never heard of them. I didn’t know anything about their group and I didn’t seek or accept it. Why did they endorse me? It was a circle filled in by my name, they voted for me, they liked me better than my opponent. That DOES NOT mean I like them or agree with them. I do not support any form of extremism.

To support kids and build up our District. I am passionate about children and teens. I love teachers and want to support them. I am a parent navigating this system like many of you. I wanted to represent the concerns that need to be addressed. I want to support the progress being made. I also want to support the significant efforts of those working to help students with their mental health. I want to build up unity in our community and model for the rising generation what is possible when we come together.